Why Doggie Daycare is Important


Many people scoff when they hear people talk about taking their dog to daycare. It can be seen as a luxury or even something a little out there. Did you know that socialization is important for the health and well-being of your furry friend? Doggie Daycare provides the type of socialization that all dogs need.

A well-rounded happy dog just doesn’t sit in their home all day waiting for their master to return. They have dog friends, they go places and experience new things. For many dogs that have working owners, doggie daycare is a great way for them to exercise, make friends, and experience new things.

What is Doggie Daycare Like?

At Furry Fundamentals, we ensure our daycare group is small to provide lots of attention to all the campers and to also ensure the dogs are enjoying themselves. Dogs romp and play in a spacious yard with access to plenty of water. Some older dogs may need breaks and will often lie under a shade tree to take a breather. When the weather is overly hot or cold, frequent indoor breaks occur to ensure the health of the dogs.

Bonding & Socialization

We find that many of our regular campers at Furry Fundamentals have their favorite friends. They will pair off in the yard and play for hours. When they see their friend their tail starts wagging happily and they greet each other. Other dogs that are new to doggie daycare often start off the day a little hesitant and shy, but in a few minutes are off running and playing with the other dogs.

A Tired Pooch is a Happy Pooch

When you pick your dog up after a day at camp, they are going to be pooped! And a tired pooch is a happy pooch. Dog’s that get regular exercise are less likely to be destructive in the house, will be at a healthy weight, and sleep better.

Stopover to Furry Fundamentals Doggie Daycare to see what the bark is all about!

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