It’s called FUR-niture for a reason, right?


Some people don’t mind letting their pets on their beds and furniture, while for others, it’s a serious no-go. If you have a new pet and want to teach them to stay off the FUR-niture or want to train a pet that won’t stop getting on the furniture, keep reading.

Have Furniture Rules & Be Consistent

Training your pet to ask for permission to get up on the furniture and bed is a great way to ensure they won’t get up there when you are not home. Teach your pet a cue such as: “ok”, “couch”, “up” or some other command of your choosing. Use this command EVERY TIME you let your pooch on the furniture. Remember, practice makes perfect! To make sure you aren’t confusing your dog, only use this cue for furniture. Saying “couch” and gently patting the couch is a good way to start. Treating the behavior will help enforce it. You may have to practice this many times before your pup makes the furniture cue connection.

If your pet gets on the furniture and you did not invite him, a simple “off” and then gently pushing him down will do. Again, it will take repeated practicing for him to make the connection.

Teaching Puppies to Stay Off Furniture

It’s easiest to teach habits when dogs are little. If you have a puppy and want to train them to stay off furniture now is the time to do it! If your puppy tries to get up on furniture use the “off” command and then sit him in a comfy dog bed and give him an irresistible treat or a squeaky toy. Again, it will take practice before your pup can make the connection, but with repeated practice, your pooch will be sleeping in his own bed in no time!

Consistency is key!

Dog training is 90% about consistency. That means, every person in your home needs to be on the same page. Get the whole family in on the training fun. When you bring your dog to other people’s homes ensure he stays off the furniture there as well. Dogs love consistency!


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