Dogs in Halloween Costumes


Happy Howl-o-ween!!

Did you know 29 MILLION people will spend $490 MILLION on Halloween costumes this year?  Dressing your pup up is very fun and people love dogs in Halloween costumes!  But not every dog enjoys the pageantry. Your dog may wear the costume without fuss, so you may assume your dog likes it.  Do you know the signs of discomfort? They are often subtle and we often misinterpret them. Below are some photos of dogs who seem to be ok with wearing a costume, but if you look at their body language, they are not. 

Sully (looking to the side)

In the above picture, this dog is displaying “whale eye”.  Whale eye is when you can see the whites of a dog’s eye because while their head is averted, they are still focused on something. This is a sure sign he is uncomfortable.




Sully (crouched)

In this photo, the dog is exhibiting further signs he does not enjoy the costume as the whale eye he gave his owner was not recognized. In this photo, the dog shows he is anxious by lowering his body. He is making himself small and crouching.  






This King Charles Cavalier is showing multiple signs he is uncomfortable. While his eyes are hard to see due to his coloring, he is displaying “hard eye”.  Hard eye is difficult to explain if you haven’t experienced it, but hard eye is defined as direct eye contact (which in and of itself is abnormal in dogs) where the eyes glaze over and seem to exhibit a lack of warmth or look cold. Think of your dog when you are playing and he is relaxed. You can see the joy in the softness and roundness of their eyes. Now look at the Spaniel’s eyes. This is not what you will see when you and your dog are having fun. Additionally, his body is compacted and crouched.  This is another example of anxiety.


Example Dog from the Internet


While the dog in the halloween costume is incredibly cute, the dog is exhibiting signs of discomfort.  In addition to the crouching/making oneself small, you can see the dogs mouth is slightly open. Yawning and panting (outside of weather related panting) are both signs of discomfort.  





Please click here for a great “cartoon” of what a “happy” body looks like and what body positions and facial expressions mean discomfort.  


Pawley in costume

Now this is a girl who clearly thinks this is fun.  Notice that her eyes are soft. Her mouth is open, but not tight like the above dog.  It is loose, almost smile-like. It is hard to tell in this picture (but I saw additional photos), she is standing upright.  Her body is curved and not crouched.

We don’t want you to think no dog likes to be dressed for Howl-o-ween. Much like me, some dogs do not enjoy it. And much like the individual who publishes this blog, some people LOVE it.  Please respect your dog, look at his body language and facial expressions and make sure he is one of the latter. 

We want a pawesome time for both the two and four-leggers! Have a safe and fun HOWL-O-WEEN


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