If you get bored taking your dog on the same walk every day, think about how boring it is for your dog! Variety is great for your furry friend. It keeps things interesting and they are always guessing what you are going to do next. Variety is also great for dogs'...
Long Leash Walks
You know that walking your dog has many benefits, but did you know there are benefits to walking your pup on a long line? Walking your dog on a long leash will give your dog a sense of freedom, yet keep him safely contained. Before teaching your dog to walk on a long...
Dogs & Anxiety
The below blog is designed to provide suggestions with regard to anxiety and fear in your dog. Please note, as with anything, we always suggest you speak with a licensed veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions and a veterinary behaviorist (if possible) before...
Mental Exercises for Dogs – Sniff Walks
Did you know that mental exercises for dogs are as important as, if not more important than, physical exercise? Dogs have that big thing on the front of their faces for a reason! One of the easiest and greatest ways to get mental exercise is to take a sniff walk. When...
To Spay or Neuter your pet and when?
Spaying or neutering are becoming more and more of a conversation as people become more aware of how many animals are euthanized each year (some studies show as many as 3-4 MILLION a year) and begin to question whether “the old way” is medically and behaviorally the...